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Insurance Company Tactics in Accident Claims

| Category: Car Accidents | November 23, 2022

Whether you have been injured in a car accident or a slip-and-fall accident, you will most likely have to deal with an insurance company at some point in the process. Ideally, they will agree to pay you some amount of compensation that will cover all of your medical bills and other losses. Unfortunately, insurance companies are infamous for denying claims or for making lowball settlement offers. Understanding the tactics they use can go a long way, but your best bet for getting the compensation you deserve is to work with an experienced personal injury lawyer

Pressuring You to Accept a Quick Settlement

You might be surprised at how quickly the insurance company offered to settle your claim. Be aware, however, that they do this in an effort to reduce the amount they play in claims. They offer what seems to be a fair settlement within a couple of days of your accident before you know the total extent of your injuries. The problem is that you waive any additional or future claims once you accept the settlement. So if you are more injured than you realized or there are complications, you cannot recover any additional compensation. You should speak with an experienced personal injury attorney before you accept any settlement from the insurance company. 

Requiring You to Sign an Authorization to Obtain Your Medical Records

The insurance company will need your medical records to review the nature and extent of your injuries. They may ask you to sign an authorization so that they can request those records on your behalf – this way, you don’t have to bother with getting copies made and sending them to the insurance company. 

The problem is that the authorization allows the insurance company to obtain all of your medical records, even those that are totally unrelated to your claim. The insurance company may then use any prior medical conditions or injuries to justify settling your claim for less than what you need. If the insurance company is pressuring you to sign an authorization, the best thing to do is contact a personal injury attorney as soon as possible. 

Requiring You to Make a Written or Recorded Statement

Anything you say to the insurance company can be used against you by the insurance company. This is why you should be extremely careful any time you speak with them or communicate with them in any way. They will phrase the questions in a certain way to try to get you to contradict yourself or qualify a prior statement in a way that allows them to reduce your claim. You should be especially careful if they are saying that your statement must be written or recorded – contact a personal injury lawyer before giving your consent. 

Call Personal Injury Lawyer Thomas E. Pyles to Get a Fair Settlement 

When you’re injured and in pain, dealing with the insurance company can be overwhelming. Level the playing field by getting someone on your side – contact the Law Offices of Thomas E. Pyles by calling 301-705-5006 to schedule a free consultation today.