PIP is an acronym for Personal Injury Protection. This usually comes from a person’s insurance company. PIP is predominantly for your lost wages and medical expenses. If you’re involved in a car accident and you’ve...
The claimant in the auto accident is the individual that was not at fault in that accident. They originally start off as a claimant because they come to our office and we assist them with obtaining a compensation for their...
If you’re going to sue the state or local government or county government, you have to be familiar with the Maryland Tort Claims Act, as well as the local government tort claims act. In either of those scenarios there’s a
There are several varieties of medical malpractice that come in the form of either a misdiagnosis or a delayed diagnosis, which is what it sounds like. You have a doctor who looks at an x-ray and there’s stage three or...
Well, you’re going to need to prove what you would in a typical negligence case. This would be a breach of duty, proximate cause, and injuries. In addition, you’re also going to need an expert testimony. You’re going to